The premier remote circuit board is marked with motor connectors 1, 2, 3, and 4. The markings on the PCB indicate standard boat lift wiring colors from left to right.
■ 1 - (L1) BLACK
■ 2 - (L2) ORANGE
■ 3 - (DIR_1) RED
■ 4 - (DIR_2) WHITE

Connect the motor wires to the motor connectors provided on the Premier Remotes control board. Starting left to right with the plugin the correct orientation, tighten black, orange, red, white (only if wired 120V), and green. After the wires are tightened in the correct location in the connector, plug the connector in the correct motor terminal. Then tighten the set screws on the left and right of the connector.Failure to tighten the set screws can result in an over-current situation and potentially damage the printed circuit board.
Galvanic Corrosion - Motor Circuits must have separate grounds and should only be grounded at the motor terminal for the galvanic corrosion feature to work properly. The grounds should not be connected to the grounds
Reversing Drum Switches - See motor wire diagrams in Appendix A. If the control box is replacing a drum switch or other type of drum switch, wires will need to be swapped at the motor or at the motor terminal connector. In a 120V application, usually the white and orange are swapped at the motor terminal on the PCB board. Please see the Appendix.
Lighting Circuits - The Premier remote controller can accommodate up to 3 lighting circuits depending on load demands. Each switch leg set should contain it's separate hot, neutral, and ground to the first light being controlled. The connector pin label for the lighting circuit from left to right is hot, neutral, and ground.